Friday, February 18, 2011

Pray that we would remember to reach out

This was actually last week's request, being added to the blog a bit late:

Pray that we would remember to reach out

One really bright development over these last two trips is that we've found ways to maintain contact with the children throughout the year when we're not in Ukraine through writing letters, the Russian equivalent of Facebook, and even Skype. Maintaining this contact is crucial to developing relationships, and we've been amazed at how significant our letters to them are (they keep them forever).

The problem for all of us is taking the time to do it. Its obviously pretty easy for us to make excuses and forget to take the time to do it, but I think there is also a spiritual battle going on. The enemy certainly doesn't want us to feel like our contact with them could really mean anything to them, and tempts us to put it way down on our priority list.

That's why I would ask that you would seriously pray for all of us who have been on teams to visit these kids, that we would find and make the time to reach out to them and write them letters. I would also like to invite you to take part in this process as well. If you would like to write a letter to the child you're praying for, please do so. Then, if you can get it to me or another team member, we will work with our contacts in Ukraine to get it translated and mailed to your child. You can even simply email it to me if you'd like.

You have no idea the kind of impact it could have!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A Letter

From one of the girls we visited this January to Lindsay Anderson, who she met for the first time.

"time is flying and these 2 days that we spent with you are over and it is a pity you have to leave tonight. We had a lot of fun together. You are very funny and positive. I am very thankful to God that He gave us such an opportunity to get to know each other. Thank you all for so many bright and funny moments. After i had acquainted with you and your team i could saw the sense of life and i have my dream now.

Well, these 2 days were the most wonderful days for me, but unfortunately it is time to say good-bye. I will miss you a lot.

2 years ago i started to write poems and i would like to dedicate this poem to you.

Live and know
That life is beautiful
It doesn't matter how smart you are
Don't judge people in vain
Learn to love and wish the goodness.

Merry Christmas!
I love you, but Jesus loves you more."