Monday, August 29, 2011

How to Pray: Transition

Updates from Midtown in Ukraine have been pretty quiet lately. Unfortunately, so has life for our friends in Ukraine. The kids are currently finishing up their time at camp and boredom is prevalent. This week, there will be tons of transition happening for them as the new school year begins on September 1st. Because the group of kids we've worked with the past two years are older, most of them have finished high school or graduated in May. This transition into adulthood is simultaneously exciting and terrifying for the kids. The excitement is basically a naive one. Their excitement is usually rooted in finally living what many of them call an "independent" life. Sadly, many of them cannot grasp the reality of the lives they are about to step into. Some of them will go to various universities in Kharkov which is an incredibly difficult path for them, but one that could lead to a decent job if they are able to finish. Many of them, however, are headed to vocational schools to learn specific trades or skills. These schools are not necessarily providing them with the best education or the best jobs afterward and are often times dangerous.

For the kids still in middle school and high school, there are changes for them as well. One of the orphanages we work with is shutting down so many of the kids there are being sent to a different orphanage. They are beginning their school year in a new village, a new orphanage, a new home.

In the midst of so much transition, pray that we would be reminded that the Lord is moving in these kids' lives. That He is working all of the uncertainty out for good, even when it seems chaotic. Pray that they would be filled up with a strength and peace that only He can provide in this week of new beginnings.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Next steps?

While we were with the children this summer there was quite a bit of joy. For me personally (and many on the team) there was also a peace about our role in their lives, what we can do for them, and what we must trust God to do.

However, coupled with this peace and trust there is also conviction, and the reality that we have capabilities and resources that God may be calling us to use to do more. I think all of us on the recent team, truly anyone who's ever worked with these kids struggles with finding a balance between wanting to do more and trusting that God loves these children and ultimately will take care of them.

The realities of life in the orphanage, and what's worse, life outside it once they graduate, is so harsh it's nearly impossible to wrap your mind around. We know that God has given us the opportunity, and given you the opportunity, to play a role in their lives through prayer and for some of us, through relationship. We don't exactly know how far He's asking us to step in.

Please pray for the future of this mission from Midtown Fellowship church to this group of orphan children in Kharkov, Ukraine. We are unsure where things may go. If it's just another camp next summer and continuing to pray for them, or if it's something more. The leaders of this summer's trip are meeting today with Randy Draughon to discuss just this.