Monday, April 11, 2011

The contagious mission

Team member Michelle Reising just wrote a great blog post about how contagious this mission can be, that includes one of my favorite supporter stories ever:

"My second year, I sent out letters to friends and family, asking once again for donations and prayers for our team. I sent one of these letters to my best friend, Ashley Hartsook (pictured above). Ashley got her letter in the mail and called me immediately. Ashley didn't want to donate just money or time; she wanted to go. This was only a few months before the trip and I sadly informed her that our team was full but that I would check with our trip leader, Russ. Two days later, I got a call from Russ that one of our team members could no longer go and wanting to know if I knew anyone else who would want to/be able to join us...I did. It was wonderful having my best friend join our team last summer! It's hard to explain what the experience is like, why you would want to summer in Ukraine year after year, or to have someone share the thrill of getting a message from one of the kiddos over Vkontake (Russian facebook), so it has been such a blessing that my bestie is now a part of that."

Check out the rest of the post here.

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