Friday, June 24, 2011

Meet the Team: Val Morozov

Name: Val Morozov (center)

Age: 32

Favorite Movie: Too many :)

What is your perfect day?: Get up on Sunday morning and have waffles with a nice cup of coffee :) Go to Midtown with my family. Then, go to see my boy play football (aka "soccer"). Then, go play football myself. Come home and grill while watching a good Manchester United game on TV with the fam.

If you could have lunch with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?: Apostle Paul

WHY are you going???: I've always liked going on mission trips because only there you realize how helpless and powerless you really are and that you have no other choice but rely fully on God and His mercy. It's a very humbling experience. After going to Ukraine last year and meeting the kids I realized that it can't be a one-time mission trip. Not only because of my experience there but also because of staying in touch with them through different social networks. But you can get so much closer to them physically, mentally and spiritually by being there. And hopefully make a difference in their lives as well as they make it in mine. And that's why I'm going back.

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