Thursday, December 23, 2010

Pray for their administrators

Kelly Wendel shares with us how we should pray this week:

Pray for their teachers/administrators:

Our trip is now only a little over a week away. Our time with the kids will be short, but precious. Not only do we ask that you pray that our kids’ hearts will be open to receiving God’s love through us and hearing the message of the gospel, but that our presence will impact the orphanage administrators, as well. In summers past, we have seen that the teaching and the interactions that we have with the counselors and administrators have stirred their hearts, as well.

The administrators and teachers at the orphanages have daily contact with the children - they are the only consistent adults and role models in their lives. Please pray that they would come to know Christ and be able to having a lasting, everyday influence in the lives of the orphans. These are the adults that can encourage them in their faith on a daily basis when we cannot. They may be able to help them find ways to get to church on the weekends. They can encourage them in their studies and talk with them about their futures.

So please pray that the orphanage teachers and administrators would be present during our visits and open to the gospel message so that they can speak into the lives of the orphans and encourage them in their faith.

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