Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Pray for their interactions with us

Here is how to pray this week:

Pray for their interactions with us:

We are leaving in a little over two weeks to visit these children.  When we get there, we are going to have only one day at each orphanage to interact with them.  We need your prayers that our interactions with them would be meaningful to them!

What we have learned over the past two summers is that these kids are very skeptical of us.  Many think that we are getting paid to be there.  They don't quite know what our intentions are, but for the most part they assume our intentions aren't good.  We won't have a lot of time this trip to work on breaking walls down.  We won't have as much time for relationship building as we'd like.

So please pray that God would supernaturally open doors for amazing interactions in such a brief time.  Pray that these children would be open to us, and especially open to the message of the Gospel that they are LOVED, not only by us but more importantly by the Lord.

Thank you for your continued commitment to pray for these special children!

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