Monday, July 11, 2011

Mysterious lost blog posts...

Day 3

Today is the third day of camp. It’s hard to believe that we are already halfway through our time here. I am very confident that God is multiplying our abilities as well as our efficiancy. We are at camp during a time when kids are arriving or leaving to and from seeing their families. I am very saddened because this year, more than last, I am encountering several kids who have families yet they are in an orphanage. In speaking with them you can see in their eyes how starved they are of attention and affection. It is almost as though they are afraid to seek approval, they just want to be acknowledged, yet at at the same time many of them become shy.

Yesterday as I attempted to have a quiet time to read my Bible and write, I was pleasantly surprised by a friendly voice greeting me with ::insert Ukrainian accent:: ‘Hi!’. I looked up and saw the most adorable boy staring at me with a big smile on his face. Thus began my friendship with Andre, a fourteen year old from the Nova Vadalaga orphanage. He has been to the States four times and we were able to talk with one another easily, and talk we did. Now everytime I see him he will say hello and give me a hug, which is not exactly common for a boy his age. This is such a blessing because the majority of the kids I got close to last year have graduated or will graduate next year. And it is nice to become close to a kid who will be here a few more years. This is just one of many ways God has shown His love and grace to me on this trip.

I will close with a prayer request. Please at every moment you can, pray for the spiritual climate at the camp. It is very clear that we are fighting a battle and that Satan is trying to get a foothold with this kids.

Thank you and God bless you, Marguerite Hogue

Day 2

Today marked the third day at camp and the second full day of programs and activities. I have adjusted to the rhythm of camp life and have begun to experience some amazing interactions with some of the kids. On several occasions kids have introduced themselves to me and have generally been excited to see the team. Their smiling faces are simultaneously uplifting and heartbreaking because of the potential for happiness they reveal and because they remind me of the reality that there will be no one here to elicit those smiles and that joy when we leave.

I have heard from many kids this week how much they look forward to camp. One particular girl told me today that summer is only fun when the Americans come and that she only had five more days of fun left. There are so many similar stories that our team can tell that are all very moving. Overall we are doing well and we are learning so much about ourselves. Please continue to keep us and these kids in your prayers as the week goes along.

- Carter Henderson

Day 1

We arrived at camp yesterday safely and so far so good. Lots of time spent in prayer and orientation. A lot of rain for the past few days, so pray for some sunny days for our recreation time with the kids. We are all very excited after our first meetings with our groups, the kids are so excited to see us and a lot of them remember returning team members. Some prayer requests from all of us:

Strength for the next several days.
Continued enthusiasm.
Openness from the kids.
Spiritual protection for the entire camp.
No technical problems with the stage or with the equipment that we have.
The continued safety of all.
Health for all.
That God would be working on the hearts of these children.
That the team would be able to convey the love of Jesus Christ.
That each day would get better and better.
That we could all get out of our comfort zones and love on these kids. We all appreciate your prayers!

We love you and we can’t wait to get back and tell you all about our adventures in Ukraine!

written by Daniel Baugh

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