Thursday, July 7, 2011

Radooga blog post 7/7/11

I have not had a chance to read the blog posts by my fellow teammates throughout this week. But now that the camp is over and we are halfway back to Kiev, I will share my perceptions of the last day or two.

First of all, God's presence has been evident in may ways as we finished camp. To each of us, He has revealed this through different situations and observations. For me personally, I have experienced God's pleasure in seeing His children worship Him. God's presence in a Ukrainian orphan camp is a very powerful thing. I believe a lot of the kids recognize it when they see it. This team has seen God push back some solid boundaries of distraction and apathy and has really communicated with kids through this team.

It is difficult to leave the kids to the situations they are in. We are tempted to feel our work is incomplete. In many ways this may be true. But I do believe we have carried out the good work God called us to for this past week and that God is using this experience to work in the hearts of the kids now and in the future. Please pray over continued communication with the kids throughout the year because writing letters in our absence often has shortfalls in the aspect of getting deep into the lives of the children.

Please also pray for good rest for the team before they leave Saturday morning. We should arrive in Kiev between 1:00 and 2:00 AM. We will spend tomorrow doing some sightseeing and return to the topic of orphans via a debriefing session in the evening. God will surely bring up a lot of emotions and challenges and lessons through this discussion.

I have enjoyed speaking on behalf of this entire Radooga team (both Americans and Ukrainians) in presenting my observations and requests.

Josh Ingram

Sent from my iPhone

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