Monday, July 11, 2011

Safely home

We arrived safely Saturday afternoon around 4 pm to a great welcome from friends and family. It was great to see many of you at church yesterday.

The journey home was long but relatively easy compared to some other experiences we've had traveling. Now begins the exciting adventure of re-entry, where we fight jet lag, reverse culture shock, and the pain of leaving our friends new and old.

Please continue to pray for the team as we try and take such a rich experience and apply it to our "routine" back here, or as we struggle to find one again, or recreate it altogether based on what we've learned.

Please continue to pray for the children, as we've already heard from some of them how "boring" camp is without us (we leave, but they will still be there another month or so). Pray they'd cope with their pain in positive ways (maybe turning to the bibles we gave them?).

Also, please keep Betsy Trent in your prayers as she travels a bit through Italy, and Val Morozov, who is traveling home today after spending a couple days in England.

In Christ,
Russell Anderson

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