Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Meet the Team: Heather Harris

Name: Heather Harris

# of Visits to Ukraine: This will be my 6th time in Ukraine

Favorite place you've ever visited: International: Independence Square in Kiev at Christmas// US: Zuma Beach, CA with my bro  

Music of choice for our upcoming 9 hour flight: Always on shuffle so mostly Coldplay, John Mayer, and Andrew Peterson 

Food you will miss most while in Ukraine: I'm definitely with Robb on this one. I would kill for some chips and salsa at camp. And fresh veggies. 

Favorite word you've learned in Russian so far: "тапочки" - pronounced "tapochkee" -it means slippers

Why you're going this summer: There is definitely a sense that going on these trips is my "normal" now. I'm so thankful for the relationships the Lord has given me through my trips to Ukraine with the sweet kids and Radooga friends. My hope this summer is for those relationships to grow deeper in the truth of what the Lord has done and is doing in all our lives. Hoping the Lord will remind me of his Goodness and fill our team's hearts with Grace and Peace. 

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