Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Meet the Team: Robb Pring

Name: Robb Pring

# of Visits to Ukraine: 2nd time to the U!

Favorite place you've ever visited: Favorite place visited would be Ukraine,Kiev of course. Puerto Penasco,mexico also has some good memories. Locally anything with some falls or a swimming hole off a good trail is always fun!

Music of choice for our upcoming 9 hour flight: Music of choice for the flight and bus trip...... My good friend,teammate and coworker mike mcdonald just gave me his old ipod with all new music to me, so I'll def. be rocking out to that. Rap,rock,country,screamo, and a little comedy is whats up.

Food you will miss most while in Ukraine: Food I will most miss in Ukraine will probably be mexican its just so hard to find some good chips and salsa in Ukraine. Although its equally as difficult to find really good chicken kiev in the states although I heard Russ/Lindsay Anderson can make a mean blini. 

Favorite word you've learned in Russian so far: Favorite word in russian right now would probably have to be privyet ya'll.... translation hello i believe thats of a southern dialect

Why you're going this summer: my reason for going to camp...Long story short if I can somehow have an impact on these kids as they,the camp, our translators, radooga, and their culture has had on my life then i know its all good. The redemptive power of God is overwhelming to say the least. I am so grateful for my awesome family,great friends, and supporters alike. Everyone who gives  whether it be time, money, or prayer is a part of this so thank you everyone. I know that this is bigger than us, so excited to be a part of this with you    

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