Monday, July 9, 2012

Meet the Team: Lori Martin

Name: Lori Martin

# of Visits to Ukraine: This will be my 4th trip!

Favorite place you've ever visited: Oh, man.  In real life?  I'd have to say Ukraine.  I love Europe, but from a distance.  Sigh.

Music of choice for our upcoming 9 hour flight: I'll be jamming out to some Otis Redding and other soul (and resisting the urge to break it DOWN), Radiohead, some Don Williams for the homesickness, and some good old Russian rap to get me in the mood for camp!

Food you will miss most while in Ukraine: Italian EVERYTHING>olive oil, garlic, sun-dried tomatoes, and basil.  And, red wine.  And, ice cream.

Favorite word you've learned in Russian so far: It's a tie between zdratsvootye and spokoyne noche.  They both roll off the tongue so well.

Why you're going this summer: I have had this supernatural love for these specific kids ever since I met them in 2010. Their faces cross my mind often.  When I'm staring at a full moon on a cloudless night, when I'm riding my bike on a busy street, when I'm walking to my car after work...when I say my prayers. Some days, it feels like the only thing I really believe in...that God loves them so much and predestined for our paths to cross so they can experience a sliver of what it's like to be loved and treated well.  I feel a deep understanding of their self loathing, their need for attention, and also their love of life and adventure.  I hope and pray that these small moments of personal connection break into some crack in their souls and impact them as their lives continue however empty and unsatisfying that life may seem.  And, honestly?  I wish I could do more.  But, that's up to God; not me.

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