Tuesday, August 14, 2012

A must-read post from Kharkiv

This comes from the Radooga blog yesterday. There's no byline, but I'm pretty sure this one is from Heather Harris:
"Our days here are filled with evidence of the Lord’s work. The Ukrainian and American teams are unified and none of us can believe tomorrow is our last full day of camp. There are many amazing things happening here, but we want to share one specific story from today. 
In 2010, after two summers spent here at camp, people at Midtown Fellowship were invited to take a picture of a specific orphan and commit to pray for them. Prithvi Muddana picked a random picture of a boy named Dima and has been praying for him for the past two years. Prithvi had the opportunity to join our team this year in Ukraine. All week, Prithvi has wanted to meet Dima but it just hadn’t happened yet. Tonight, after our evening discussion time with the kids, Dima struck up a conversation with a couple team members. Prithvi was nearby and decided to go introduce himself. The conversation, though, was an important one. Dima made the decision tonight to follow Christ. He prayed for the Lord to enter his life as his Savior. After Dima finished praying, Prithvi approached him and told him he had been praying for him for the last two years and that he was very excited to finally meet him. It was a beautiful moment that felt so incredibly perfect and holy. We almost can’t believe that Prithvi, after faithfully praying for this child, would then be able to witness the divine moment where Dima made this life-changing decison. But we serve a God that can do the things we believe to be impossible. We serve a God that loves us so much He would orchestrate these glimpses for us of the work He is doing. We serve a Great God indeed. 
Please pray for our last full day of camp tomorrow. Pray for strength and energy. Pray that we would be willing to submit to the Lord’s authority and His perfect plans. Camp AICT is a special place. The Lord has done and continues to do great things here."

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