Sunday, August 5, 2012

And they're off!

Terribly blurry picture of the Ukraine team this morning

Got a text message from Heather just a few minutes ago. The team has boarded their flight to Paris on their way to Ukraine!

How to pray for them

  • Please pray that they would find a way to rest on the flight. When they land in Kiev, they'll have a 6 hour wait at the airport until the team of Americans from Pennsylvania will join them. After that, they'll immediately take a bus to Kharkiv (about a 9 hour trip). There's the potential for some seriously jet-lagged people. So please pray that they would all sleep on the flight and bus ride.
  • Please continue to pray for the Ukrainian Church partner that will be joining them this summer. This is the first time we've ever been partnered with a specific church to work with the orphans at this camp. Pray that cross-cultural communications would be smooth, and that all involved would be humble servants of Christ.
  • Pray for their cohesion with the other team of Americans coming from Pennsylvania (led by John McCants, who was the leader of the team that joined us in 2010). Pray that in the time before camp begins that the two teams could gel, and really become friends before the hard work starts.
  • Of course pray for the children! I know they're getting very excited. They've been at this camp a long time with nothing to do.
Updates to follow as I get them...

-Russ Anderson, from the comfort of his desk in Nashville, TN

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