Thursday, August 23, 2012

Update from Kharkov, Ukraine

Hello Midtowners:

The team has arrived back in Nashville safely and have returned (or attempted to return) to our normal routines and lives. Encouraging news came to us today from the pastor of the local church in Kharkov we partnered with this year. We are extremely excited that this year there is now a community in the kids' own city ready to minister to them.

Here is what Pastor Slavic had to say:
Greetings to you by the grace and peace of Our God Jesus Christ from the church "Revival", Kharkov!

I want to thank you and all your team for the work you've done for the glory of the Lord at the camp for orphans. God bless you for your hearts loving orphans in Ukraine. I believe that your work was not in vain because in the first Sunday after the camp a group of children came to a service in our church.
I believe that all together we will be glad to see good fruit in Jesus Christ. (Philippians 1:1-11).

Best regards,
pastor Slavic Khramov

And just minutes ago, the church's youth pastor Slava posted these photos with the following description:  These guys came to us on Sunday, they woke up at 5 and skipped breakfast to do this. Pray for church people to be ready to accept these kids

For those that have been traveling to see these kids since 2009, this news is better than anything we could have ever imagined. It was a dream one year ago for these kids to have a Christian community in their own city. To see this fruit is a gift from God. Pray pray pray pray for Revival church in Kharkov. Pray that their church members that were not at camp with us would be just as loving and accepting of these precious kids as their camp staff was. Pray for these kids to find community and a loving family in this church. Our God is so Good. 

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