Sunday, May 15, 2011

Meet the Team: Heather Harris

Name: At camp: "Hezzair"

Age: 25

Occupation:Program Coordinator at Vanderbilt University

Favorite Movie: About a Boy

What is your perfect day? My perfect day would involve some of my favorite Ukrainians being able to experience some of my favorite Nashville things. So basically a large group of Ukrainian teenagers wandering down 12th South getting coffee at Frothy Monkey, popsicles at Las Paletas, and having a picnic at Sevier Park. The best of both worlds!

If you could have lunch with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be? Donald Miller

WHY are you going??? In 2009, my first trip to Ukraine affected me greatly and changed my life. A trip I assumed would be a one-time life-changing experience instead threw me into a world where Nashville was my first home and Ukraine became a close second. I am excited to go on my fourth trip to Ukraine and begin the transition from loving these kids as orphans to loving them as graduates heading out into the overwhelming world of adult life. I am thankful every single day to have these kids in my life. They remind me of our Father's incredible, doting love for us and to have an opportunity to be (an unqualified) vessel for that Love has changed me forever.

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