Friday, May 13, 2011

Meet the Team: Kelly Wendel

Name: Kelly Wendel

Occupation: Special Education Program Coordinator

Age: 30

Favorite Movie: Remember the Titans

What is your perfect day?: My perfect day would include playing in the sunshine, friends, homemade dessert, and
probably a spontaneous dance party.

If you could have lunch with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?: Paula Deen (we would cook together) – great food, lots of laughs, and a life story to learn from.

WHY are you going???: This will be my fourth trip to Ukraine. When I look back to when I signed up the first time, I think it was mostly because I had always wanted to go on a mission trip and, despite my reservations, I
felt God leading me there. I certainly did not anticipate it resulting in a long-term commitment to the
orphans I met in 2009. However, I have witnessed how Jesus’ love and light are transforming lives in
such a dark and seemingly hopeless place and am grateful for every chance I have to be a part of His
movement there.

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