Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Meet the Team: Lori Martin

Name: Lori Martin

Age: 30

Occupation: Care Partner at Vanderbilt Children's Hospital

Favorite Movie: tie between A River Runs Through It and The Pianist

What is your perfect day?: planting flowers or picking strawberries in the sun while drinking red wine and pondering a trip to Venice the next day...

If you could have lunch with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?: I mean, really, I should say Jesus, right? I'd love to pick Fiona Apple's brain. Or, talk to Regina Spektor about life in Moscow vs. life in NYC and ask her what "Apres Moi" is about.

WHY are you going???: I feel such a supernatural LOVE for these kids. I see myself in many of them. God has been at work my entire life preparing me for this amazing journey. Although it can feel uncertain at times and I am an emotional sap who gets attached easily, it has become so much more than how it's affecting me. I want to stay in these kids' lives somehow and allow God to glorifiy Himself through me on their behalf and through nothing good in me save HIM.

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